Tuesday, July 7, 2009

so this past friday july 3rd my husband decided to climb timp at 3 in the morning in the freezing snow!! they went all the way up to the top and then slid down the glaciers on their way back home!

Camping durring mormorial day. we had a lot of fun playing fishing in the huge puddle with the kids! we caught everything but a fish! we caught a tree, dave and lots of weeds.

I have the cutest hubby and sweetest baby ever look how cute they are together!!!!! they are totally snuggle buddies!!!!!

Mothers day this year was fun. its a Boettcher family tradition to go to the same park every year, and have lunch under the pavilion. it was lots of fun but look here is a picture of 4 generations of Boettcher's!!!!!

We took Easton to the zoo when he was 2 1/2 weeks old!! he pretty much slept the entire time but we still had fun! there were lots of really funny animals including this crazy squirl thing that really wanted its picture taken!!

This is my adorable boy Easton!!! He is so freakn cute!! Today he is 2 months and 2 weeks old crazy!

Friday, June 5, 2009

blogging first day.. wahoo!

Alright so this is my family's page!! our family consists of Easton our little boy who will be 6 weeks old on monday!!! My husband eric and me. Eric and i got married december of 2007. its been crazy but awesome! our trips last year consisted of... california with a bunch of friends and new york with my family. we also squose in a few trips to lake powell luckly! in august i found out i was pregnant with our little boy! it scared me to death but was very exciting news! everything since then has really been a big blur, and now here i am with my little boy crazy how fast time flys!!i kinda suck cuz i dont have eastons pictures uploaded yet but the second i do i will post them!!!!!!!